Saturday, May 10, 2008

My life as MOM!

As Mother's Day nears, I started to really think about my role as "mom". It's amazing to me. I didn't think of the hours of labor, the four nine plus pound births, the stretch marks, sleepless nights, stained shirts and dirty diapers I have changed in the past 10 years. I am so thankful to God that he trusted me to raise the most wonderful four boys on earth. What a privilege it has been to be the one to watch over them. I'm the one they run to when they skin their knee, want to snuggle, and yes, for a snack. As a mom, we wear many hats, teacher, nurse, cook, playmate, coach, disciplinarian, and most of the time...maid. Sometimes were wearing many hats at a time, and it's easy to lose sight of our true purpose. So, this Mother's Day, (and everyday) don't worry about the dishes, piles of laundry, and phone calls. I would not trade one day with my boys to look like a supermodel or have a spotless house! Look into those sweet faces, and see a pure reminder of God's love.

Happy Mothers Day!!!


Ann-Marie said...

Well said! Happy Mother's Day!

Alana said...

I love you sweet friend. Have a happy mother's day! MISS YOU!

Unknown said...

You are an amazing mom. I look up to you for so many things and parenting is one of them, for sure. You do it all with grace.

Happy Mother's Day friend!