Monday, June 16, 2008

Just hanging around today!

Well, after a busy last week, It was so nice to discover that my lovely dryer decided to go kaput! The heating element has gone out, and I had 2 wet loads of laundry, and about 6 other loads that I need done ASAP!!!

I thought, "Why not, it couldn't be that bad...afterall, women have been hanging their clothes out for centuries!" Well...what I also discovered is, they didn't have todays "extras" to make it more difficult too! Okay, so I had a weeks worth of laundry. That's 6 peoples (5 of them very messy boys!) clothing:
5 people x 7 days = 35 pairs of underwear
4 people x 7 days = 28 pairs of socks (I only wear flip flops!)
6 people x 7 days = 42 shirts
6 people x 7 days = 42 bottoms
7 towels
20 washcloths

This doesn't even include cleaning cloths, sheets, and extra clothes for church, or just wanting to change outfits!!

Now, imagine those 174+ pieces of clothing, hanging ALL OVER MY HOUSE!!! Every doorway, clothes rack, ironing board, and garage hinge, has landry on it. Why, you ask, not put it on the line outside?? Oh yes, our lovely dog that likes to rip everything to shreds!! :)

Now, I'm not bitter one bit. Ethan loves going through all of the clothes tunnels! I was a little worried though that Eric would come home and open the garage door, and have the whole neighborhood inspecting our undergarments!!

So, if your tired of hearing that old dryer go round and round, or not wanting to put away those soft, Downy fresh clothes piled up on your bed...just think of in a clothing jungle! :)

(Don't worry, the Sears man is coming soon!)


Unknown said...

Johnna, I love your blog! You are doing such a good job with it! So funny, great humor, just what I need in the morning! I want to come to the laundry jungle!

Rebekah said...

Great story! My washer was broken for 2 days last week and I almost started hand washing a bunch of stuff, but was too lazy. I was way behind on laundry too when it happened! Good times =)