Friday, June 6, 2008

It's not homeade???

I know a lot of you are "gourmet cuisinists", but I just had to share this. Last week I had a Southern Living at HOME party where the hostess made dinner for everyone. Her family owns a restaurant, so I just assumed, her yummy veggie lasagne was a family secret recipe!! Finally, I got the nerve to ask her if I could get the recipe. She laughed, and was Stouffer's! I immediately went to Von's and got it! :) It has a crumbly parm. topping, veggies, that you can tell what they are, and a yummy alfredo sauce! All of the boys loved it too! Now...I didn't say it was low cal...just yummy! It does take 1 hour and 50 minutes to bake frozen, but thawed only 60 minutes. I've also put lasagnes in the crock pot and cooked them that way too!


Unknown said...

Unbelievable! That looks great. Thank for the tip. You know I am a tipaholic! Anything that makes my life a little more simple, so I can doing something that has lasting value, is good to me. We hope to see you soon!

Ann-Marie said...

Yummy! That makes me want to cheat on my South Beach diet right now...