Monday, March 30, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
And they're off...
Colton competed in the 4 x 100, Shot Put, and Discus
The boys also got to compete against each other on Saturday in the 200. They ended up tying!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
American Idol Underdog?

This week...on American Idol...really changed my opinions of some of the contestants. True, not all of them are "country" singers, and struggled, but some "made it their own", and really stood out! Matt Giraud was one of them! I was really impressed with him, and love his voice! I hope he does well!
Here are my 2 cents - for what it's worth on the performances this week....
Adam - HORRIBLE!!!! A little scary, and disappointing.
Alexis - She seems to be singing the same type of songs...getting a little boring
Allison - Surprised she was in the bottom 3, but I thought she did ok
Anoop - Not a fan, but did an awesome job this week!
Danny - "He could sing the phonebook"...loved it, as always!
Kris - I think he's sort of an underdog too! I think he's good...but lacks confidence...a little like a puppy dog...cute though! ;)
Lil - This disappointing...I know it wasn't her "type" of song, but I didn't think it even sounded good...and nobody can sing like Martina!
Matt - Great!
Megan - Cool sounding voice...not sure about her little dance she always does...looks a little like the chicken dance.
Michael - I really thought he would do a good job this week, but was unimpressed...I think he'll be gone next week.
Scott - I think he's good, his piano on the group performance...was very impressive!
What did you think?
St. Paddy's Day at the Briners!
Ok, so I am always up for an excuse for a fun day, and since I am 50% Irish, I decided to embrace my inner Irish lassie. :)
Breakfast was yummy, green pancakes
(The cake didn't come out as cute as Jacinda's, I think I tried to rush cook it, and didn't wait for it to it's not as pretty as I planned...but all in all, the boys loved that's all that mattered! :) )
Monday, March 16, 2009
Notes on Mom by the 3 Briner Boys

1. What is something mom always says to you?
C- "Play hard" (before games)
Z- "Do school"
E- "Clean up your room"
(All are true)
2. What makes mom happy?
C- "a clean car"
Z- "Roses"
E- "Hugs and kisses"
(All are true)
3. What makes mom sad?
C- "Not getting a present on Valentines Day"
Z- "Not being good"
E- "When I'm not good"
4. How does your mom make you laugh?
C- "Being sarcastic"
Z- "Telling jokes"
E- "a cheesy face"
5. What was your mom like as a child?
C- "a tomboy"
Z- "wanted to be a monster truck driver" (true)
E- "like a boy" (that would be a tomboy)
(unfortunately, all are true!)
6. How old is your mom?
C- "35" - he's grounded...I'm 34!
Z- "34"
E- "34"
7. How tall is your mom?
C- "5' 4" "
Z- "5' 4" "
E- "how do you ask a 5 year old this?"
(5 foot, 4 and 3/4")
8. What is her favorite thing to do?
C- "go shopping for free"
Z- "go on vacation with us"
E- "workout"
(not sure if I would've put workout on the list...:) )
9. What does your mom do when you're not around?
C- "clean the house"
Z- "parties"
E- "clean up around the house"
(sad but true)
10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
C- "drums"
Z- "drums"
E- "singing"
(who knew? really not a good singer, and only good at drums on rockband!)
11. What is your mom really good at?
C- "cheering people up"
Z- "cleaning"
E- "rockband drums"
12. What is your mom not very good at?
C- "I'm trying to think of one that I don't get grounded on...not going the speed limit"
Z- "playing playstation"
E- "spelling tyranasaurus rex"
(Colton got it right on!)
13. What does your mom do for a job?
C- "Southern Living at HOME"
Z- "Southern Living"
E- "Sovern Living at HOME, and sell stuff"
14.What is your mom's favorite food?
C- "Lobster"
Z- "Chinese"
E- "salad"
(like all of the above, but chicken enchiladas are my fav)
15.What makes you proud of your mom?
C- "She cheers me on at soccer"
Z- "Buying us a wii"
E- "she does my laundry"
16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
C- "Pochahonas"
Z- "Lilo"
E- "the mom on Johnny Test, but you look younger than her"
(Zac is grounded for the Lilo comment!)
17. What do you and your mom do together?
C- "play rockband"
Z- "school"
E- "play cars with me"
18. How are you and your mom the same?
C- "we look eyes"
Z- "we are both Briner's"
E- "we're in the same family"
19. How are you and your mom different?
C- "you where high heels, I wear tennis shoes"
Z- "your a girl, and I'm a boy"
E- "your a girl, and I'm a boy"
20. How do you know your mom loves you?
C- "you support me when I am down"
Z- "You gave me life"
E-"cuz I'm your son"
21. What does your mom like most about your dad?
C- "he takes long naps, so you can clean the house"
Z- "humor"
E- "he kisses you a lot"
(all true...and he's my hottie!)
22. Where is your mom's favorite place to go?
C- "Hawaii"
Z- "Cancun"
E- "Target"
Thursday, March 5, 2009
American Idol...who's your pick?

Well, it's that time of year again...Idol Season 8! I think there are quite a few good ones...and a lot that shouldn't have gotten this far. Here are the Briner fav's for Season 8!
Johnna - Lil Rounds or Danny Gokey
Eric, Colton, & Zac - Adam Lambert or Megan Corkey
Ethan - Jasmine Murray or Scott MacIntyre
I also think Alexis Grace and Allison Iraheta are great too! Who's your pick?????
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