Friday, January 1, 2010

HaPpY nEw YeAr!!!

January 1st, 2010!  Wow!

Is it just me, or does it seem like we just had just stocked tons of water bottles, canned food, generators, and a months worth of necessities in our garages, waiting for the unknown to happen when the clock hit 12:01 a.m. in the year 2000?

So hard to believe that was 10 years ago!

Well, on to today....being January 1st, it's always a day of inspiration, motivation and ambition!  Most people choose to, "make a resolution, not to make a resolution".  Personally, I am not.  Hey, if you don't succeed fully with your resolution, the "Resolution Police" are not going to arrest you, and you may have not achieved your goal, but maybe made progress that you might not have made before.

So, here it goes...really I am not posting this for anyone to say "good job", or "your crazy", but more for a record for me to look back on.  :)

My 2010 Resolutions

1.  To run 500 miles this year
2.  To complete a 1/2 marathon
3.  Keep up on blogging
4.  Monthly family nights
5.  Read 5 books

Do you have any resolutions?  Want to join me on mine?  :)


Unknown said...

A. Not running 500 miles, that is CRAZY.
B. Would love to read with you! Thinking about Crazy Love, but always love a good girly, shopping, boy chasing book. :)
C. Maybe the half in November, I would like to do one in March or April, actually. It'll be my challenge to train for the half and the century ride in July.
D. Would love to copy each and everyone one of your family nights! xoxo
Cheers to a fantastic new year, my sweet friend.

Angela said...

Good for you...I like to make resolutions, too! I am going to cook more, take better pictures, blog(just started mine), slow down, and give more of myself...

MamaLieder said...

I am so excited to run together!