Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Hooked....or Hype?

OK, I know I'm not a teenage girl, nor do I have teenage girls, and yes, I know I'm a few years behind, but no, I have not read the Twilight series.  I have always wondered what the "hype" was about these books?  I am not an avid reader.  I love fun, light-hearted, girlie books, but usually only read on trips.  So, all this to say, my babysitter is letting me read her books.  Honestly, I am not expecting much, nor do I think I'll be on "Team Edward", but who knows? :) 


Luke Mundy said...

I'll add this to your collection as iTunes singles as proof that you are, indeed 14 ;)

Sarah Mundy said...

I totally agree with you! That being said, my dear friend Mrs. B just loaned me her copy of twilight last weekend with the insistance of me reading it. I'm excited to ve book buddies with you!