Wednesday, August 26, 2009

It's Potty Time!'s finally that time!! After over 10 years of buying diapers...I can see the end!! :) No more mad dashes to the more searching diaper bags or the car for a spare diaper...we are on our way to being diaper free! Here is Big D with his big boy pants, and soccer potty that cheers when you "flush"!
So far Dawson has done good! (Maybe shouldn't have started on such a busy week. )

How quick they learn...
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Unknown said...

YYYYEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! You are blogging! I am so so so so so so excited. I missed seeing all of the things the fam was up to. Love Big D! Miss you all. He and Ellie are too cute in their panties! We will have to take a picture so we can put it in their wedding video!

Brittany said...

I am happy you are blogging again! It has been forever! Love the pic with Big D and his laptop!

andrea said...

Congratulations!!! How exciting! You have officially graduated from the baby phase! It's been a while now, I think I'm a month behind on reading this post!