Monday, December 21, 2009
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Merry Christmas from the Briners!

Merry Christmas from the Briners! Here’s what we have been up to this year!
Eric continues to enjoy his job, and we are so thankful for it’s growth! This year he and a few of his employees worked on the Extreme Makeover House in
Rings, necklaces, and bracelets have replaced pottery, urns, and candlesticks. In July, Johnna was flown to
Relax, it’s not all work and no play for Eric and Johnna. J Eric enjoyed hunting with the boys this year, along with coaching Ethan’s soccer team. Johnna has found the new love of running. She has done several 5K’s for fun this year, and is working on improving her time, as well as beating the boys!
Year of 1994? Two young kids in love got married on February 5th! Eric and Johnna celebrated being married 15 years this past February!
Hair? Did you notice it? Zac has decided to grow his out. It all started, “just for soccer”, but now we can’t imagine cutting it! Zac also had a great year of soccer, and also earned his hunting license this summer, just in time for dove season!
Six years old…it’s hard to believe Ethan is that old! Yes, he is still a little comedian and thinks he’s 10! He played t-ball and got to have his dad be his coach on his U8 soccer team this year. Their Freedom Lightening team even got to play at Grizzly Stadium!
Three years old.....I know, seems impossible that our baby…Dawson turned three! What a little character DT is. Like his brothers, he doesn’t miss a beat! He loves country music, (especially Jason Aldean), waffles, and numbers! Whether it’s telling time, saying our phone number, or any number he sees…he knows them all!
M…I…C…K…E….Y….MOUSE! Yes, in May we took a week vacation to is our e-mail, and is our blog. Johnna is also on Facebook, so make sure you’re her “friend”, and challenge her to a game of Bejeweled! ;) (Channel 30 did a small segment on her being a Gaming Girl)
Sending holiday blessings to your family! Have a wonderful Christmas & New Year! The Briners