February 5th was our 15 year anniversary!! It is hard to believe that time could go so fast, but even harder to remember life without Eric! Although the trends have changed, (Jessica McClintock floral bridesmaid dresses, and a strong 'mauve' wedding color scheme) we don't look exactly like we did 15 years ago, and life was a whole lot simpler...I wouldn't change one thing. I am amazed that I truly am more in love today, than I was on that February afternoon.
Here are 15 reasons that I love my hubby!
1. He's my best friend
2. He is an awesome, Godly leader of our house
3. He has given me the most perfect 4 boys
4. He is a wonderful father
5. He doesn't judge
6. He's wise with money...even when I'm not
7. He is a hard worker
8. He "gets" me!
9. He is a visionary
10. He is a hottie
11. He knows how to have a good time
12. He is positive
13. He is strong
14. He never complains about things not done
15. He loves me. :)
Thank you Eric for the best 15 years of my life...I can't wait for many more!
(Here is a questionaire I just filled out on Facebook too....)
1. When was your "engagement" anniversary: ***December 5, 1992***
2. When is your "marriage" anniversary: ***February 5, 1994***
3. How long have you known your spouse: ***Since July 6, 1990***
4. How long did you date/court before you were engaged: ***2 years, 5 mos.***
5. Where did you meet your spouse for the first time: ***While on a date with an ex-boyfriend***
6. What is your spouses full name: ***Eric E Briner***
7. Do you have any children yet: ***yes***
8. How many: ***four handsome boys***
9. Do you have any house pets:***Yes! Black lab...outside!***
10.Do you own a house or rent: ***own***
11.Do you live in the country or town/city: ***City***
12.What is one of you favorite activities together: ***Right now...playing Rock Band 2!***
13.Do you have a favorite vacation spot:***Avila Beach***
14.How many siblings: ***I have 1 sis, and he has 2!***
15.What church do you attend: ***River Valley Church, Fresno...love it! Come visit!***
16.Is it the church you were married in: ***No, we meet at Clovis North high school***
17.What town is your current address: ***Clovis, CA***
18.Do you work or stay at home: ***Both!***
19.Where did you honeymoon: ***Carmel, CA***