Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Oh Christmas Cards, Oh Christmas Cards...
I am so excited about all of the great pictures of the boys! A friend of mine, Candice Wagenlietner, is doing pictures to raise money for their upcoming adoption of a little girl from Korea! She is great! (As you can tell!) Her phone number is 325-1583.
BLACK FRIDAY...Are you ready to SHOP???

The day is coming....The Biggest shopping day of the YEAR!!! I know, you think I'm CrAzY!!! Yes, I am a shopper of Black Friday. It's a tradition! Every year, I shop with my sister-in-laws, and anyone else who is willing to be up at the crack of dawn...Starbucks in hand...and list in tow! I have done this 1 day overdue...8 mos. pregnant...and just had given birth 2 weeks prior...Now granted...I don't look like the picture above...but it is so much fun! Now, don't get me wrong...I am rarely at Walmart at 2 am, but I have found some great deals. My favorite place to go is Macys!!! 50% off their clearance! One year Sara, my SIL, found a pair of Ralph Lauren shorts for $2.14!! Crazy 8, and Old Navy are also good...not so crazy...spots. We usually hit Michaels too...can never have enough ribbon!
Shoppers have gotten smarter these days! In the past, you had to wait to hear the thump of that 50 lb. newspaper to hit your driveway Thanksgiving morning to see the great deals! Now, there are websites cluing you in on what's going to be on sale! Here are a few that I have found...
Now, I personally, will wait for the "thump" tomorrow morning to start my plan of attack! Here are some great tips that I found online...that I thought I would share with you first-timers or rookies!! Happy Shopping....see you at Macys!!!
Shopping Tips:
• Know exactly the time that the stores you want to hit are open, and go to the store that has the best deals, and/or the gift you want to get the most first. Be there at least a half-hour before it opens if the gift is popular.
• Leave the kids at home; this is not a day to worry about hand-holding and good behavior.• Be caffeinated and full – don’t shop on low energy and an empty stomach.
• Pack snacks so that you don’t have to stop your marathon shopping day to grab some grub from the food court.
• Bring along a MP3 player or portable CD player to help pass the time when you are waiting to pay for your finds.
• Don’t worry about purchasing little gifts today, such as stocking stuffers, but rather focus on gifts that are bigger, harder to find, and more expensive.
• Consider this a good day to look for that new winter coat or little black dress you need. Clothing sales are usually very good on Black Friday, because so many people are already in the stores looking for toys and gifts.
• If a product is not available, but the store offers a rain check, take it. Make sure that when you cash in your rain check you are getting the price that the product was listed at for that day.
A Few Days After Black Friday Sales:
• Cyber Monday, the Monday immediately following Black Friday, is a busy day for online retailers who offer special deals, products, and discounts. FYI, the term was coined by in 2005.
• If you didn’t get all of the products off of your list while shopping at those after-Thanksgiving sales, log on first thing Monday morning and see what you can find.
• Visit for online coupons, including offers for free shipping and 15% off discounts from certain retailers.
• Know the online retailers return policy, shipping information, and payment procedure so that you are not worrying about any of those details before you purchase the item.
• Do a little research among retailers, and don’t just settle for the first good price that you see on that must-have product.
• Calculate shipping and other online fees before determining whether you are getting a fair deal.
Monday, November 24, 2008
My baby turns 2!
Well, technically, not until Friday, but today (Thanksgiving 2006) was actually his due date two years ago. On November 28th, 2006, Dawson Tate entered our world! He weighed 9 lbs. 7 oz., and was 21 1/2 inches long. He has been such a blessing, and is full of joy! He brings smiles to everyone, and knows no stranger. He already has picked up his brother, Ethan's wit, and will always have mommy's heart! He still lets me hold him like a baby, and says, "Mommy's baby". (Even though most of the time, he calls me "Babe"!) He loves cars, especially, "Mommy's cool car, Daddy's cool car, and Grama's cool car" as he calls them...and every other white truck and SUV! Even though he is now officially a toddler...he will always be my baby!
Friday, November 21, 2008
"Magical" Birthday!
This year, for Colton and Zac's birthday (they are only 13 mos. apart), we gave them a choice of having a party, or going to Magic Mountain, and inviting a friend. They chose Magic Mountain!!! It was a blast! Eric and I love roller coasters, but hadn't been since my 25th birthday. (A few years ago :) ) We weren't quite sure how they would do, but thought we would go for it! They boys invited their friend Christian, and his parents joined us. We drove to Valencia for the day, and we had a blast! Colton and Zac had no fear! I was a little worried on the first ride...Goliath...I thought Zac was going to have a heart attack by the look on his face. But, when we pulled back to the gate, he yelled...AWESOME!! I think their favorite ride was the log rides. They got soaked...but went back for more! Happy Birthday Colton and Zac!!!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Oh My Heaven...Colton is Turning Eleven!!!
It just seems like yesterday, we were bringing home our 1st baby boy. Colton Bailey Briner was born November 9th, 1997. Weighing in at 9 lbs. 5 oz. and had "muscles" at one day old! It's hard to believe that eleven years have flown by!
3 weeks old
6 months old
4 years old
11 years old
I thank God for giving us such a blessing. Colton is a true first born, natural leader, determined and driven, although, he is very caring and nurturing, always helping with his younger brothers, and anyone who needs a helping hand.
I thank God for giving us such a blessing. Colton is a true first born, natural leader, determined and driven, although, he is very caring and nurturing, always helping with his younger brothers, and anyone who needs a helping hand.
Happy 11th Birthday Colton!!
We love you!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
God's Love is Everything

I can honestly say, that walk was the most AWESOME walk I have ever taken. It had been raining the past few days. The clouds were still rolling, and there was a constant sprinkle. Just as I turned the corner, I saw a break in the clouds, and a beautiful rainbow appeared. At the same time, the song, "Your Love is Everything", by Chris Quilala started on my iPod. I can't explain how God moved me during this song! There is nothing like staring at God's beauty in a rainbow, and hearing this song and his promises. Awesome!
Here are the words to the song. And a great matter what you go through!
Your Love is Everything
by Chris Quilala
When I'm dry and thirsty Lord,
and I'm crying out for more
I know I can trust in your love
In the darkness in the night
When I'm starving for the light
I know I can trust in your love
You keep no record of my sin
You don't remember all my shame
Your love heals every disease
Your love fulfills my every need
Your love is everything to me
Your love is everything
I will not forget
I won't forget your promises
I will not forget
I won't forget your love
I will not forget
Nothing is impossible
I will not forget!
I will not forget!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
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