Every summer, or trip I go on, I love getting a mindless, fun book. True, these books due not inspire or educate me...but that's the point! For our trip to the Dominican, I found the book, "The Next Thing on My List", by Jill Smolinski. By reading the back, it sounded great. The storyline is about a girl that offers a ride to a girl she just met at a Weight Watchers meeting, and on the way home, they get in a car accident, and the passenger is killed. In her wallet, she had a list of things she wanted to do before her 25th birthday. The story tells how she tries to complete the list for her by her birthday. Needless to say, I finished the book almost before we landed the plane!
This book, and the "list" has been on my mind ever since. The list wasn't one of making millions, or big impossible dreams, it was more of things that were fun, little things, that we never do. A few things from her list were:
* Get a massage
*Take mom and grandma to see Wayne Newton
*Throw away my bathroom scale
*Watch a sunrise
Just having a birthday a few weeks ago, and turning 35 next year, I decided to make a list. I may add some, and I may not meet all of them...but why not try! I'm posting it to keep me accountable too!
Things to do by August 11, 2009:
1. Be within 5 lbs. of the weight on my drivers license
2. Take a train ride
3. Run a 5K
4. Give up soda
5. Donate/Raise $500 for charity
6. Be out of debt
7. Learn Spanish
8. Learn to play an instrument
9. Catch up on scrapbooking
10. Get together with friends once a month
Please, ask me how I'm doing on my list! (And don't ask me out for ice cream :) !!) Anyone want to join me??? Let me know if you have a list!