This is my friend Tanya. We were high school friends, worked at Aldo's Pizza together (we were the only girls!), in each others weddings, there when each others first child was born. This is my friend Tanya, now laying in a bed in St. Agnes, with few days left in her precious life.
Tanya was diagnosed with cancer around Thanksgiving, and within the past week, found that it has spread to her brain, and other areas quickly. She is fighting with everything in her being, but doctors say she has only days.
Please pray for this mom of 3, wife to Chad, and friend to many! Please pray also for her family that is with her every hour, standing by her bedside.
Tanya's motto through this all has been, LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE. Everyday we are blessed with so many things that we take for granted. This has been a huge reminder to me to remember what matters most...it's not a clean house, a position held, money earned, or an e-mail returned...those things won't matter in the end. Live each day like it's your last, and let those who you love know it without a doubt!!
Thank you Jesus for:
*Dying on the cross so we can live
*My best friend, and husband Eric
*The best 4 boys in the world
*A family that loves me unconditionally
*Loving and giving friends
*A home that meets more than my needs
*My health, and the health of my family
*Providing for all of my needs
*An amazing church
*So many other things in your beautiful creation!!
If you would like to see all of Tanya's story, you can see her website that her sister created. www.freewebs.com/livelaughlovetk
I love you all!