Sunday, December 21, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Happy Birthday, Christmas, Anniversary Babe!
I had got a Cowboys package, that got us to stay at the Gaylord Texan, an autograph session, go to a pre-game party at the corral, game tickets, and then back the next day to tour the stadium, and locker room! We had such a great time! It also helped that we beat the pants off the Giants!!! How 'bout them Cowboys!!!
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas lovely are your branches
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Johnna Briner...Slackerblogger
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Oh Christmas Cards, Oh Christmas Cards...
I am so excited about all of the great pictures of the boys! A friend of mine, Candice Wagenlietner, is doing pictures to raise money for their upcoming adoption of a little girl from Korea! She is great! (As you can tell!) Her phone number is 325-1583.
BLACK FRIDAY...Are you ready to SHOP???

Shoppers have gotten smarter these days! In the past, you had to wait to hear the thump of that 50 lb. newspaper to hit your driveway Thanksgiving morning to see the great deals! Now, there are websites cluing you in on what's going to be on sale! Here are a few that I have found...
Now, I personally, will wait for the "thump" tomorrow morning to start my plan of attack! Here are some great tips that I found online...that I thought I would share with you first-timers or rookies!! Happy Shopping....see you at Macys!!!
Shopping Tips:
Monday, November 24, 2008
My baby turns 2!
Friday, November 21, 2008
"Magical" Birthday!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Oh My Heaven...Colton is Turning Eleven!!!
I thank God for giving us such a blessing. Colton is a true first born, natural leader, determined and driven, although, he is very caring and nurturing, always helping with his younger brothers, and anyone who needs a helping hand.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
God's Love is Everything

I can honestly say, that walk was the most AWESOME walk I have ever taken. It had been raining the past few days. The clouds were still rolling, and there was a constant sprinkle. Just as I turned the corner, I saw a break in the clouds, and a beautiful rainbow appeared. At the same time, the song, "Your Love is Everything", by Chris Quilala started on my iPod. I can't explain how God moved me during this song! There is nothing like staring at God's beauty in a rainbow, and hearing this song and his promises. Awesome!
Here are the words to the song. And a great matter what you go through!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Pumpkin Carving
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The Notebook
The funniest part of it all was I couldn't wait to blog about my stupidity!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Cute Idea

Your youngest holiday revelers will love these kooky characters that are more silly than scary.
CRAFT MATERIALS:Pumpkin (any size)Old magazines or catalogs, Glue dots
Time needed: Under 1 Hour
1. Cut a mismatched pair of eyes and ears, a nose, mouth, hair, and any accessories from magazine or catalog pages.
2. Adhere the features to the pumpkin using glue dots. For ears that stick out (such as those shown here), cut an extra tab that you can fold back, then use glue dots to secure the tab in place. Display your pals in a covered area to protect them from the elements.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
And so it begins....
Our crazy Fall soccer season has kicked off in full force! This year we have 3 of the 4 boys playing! Colton is playing U12 Freedom Galaxy, Zac is playing U10 Freedom Wildfire, and Ethan is playing U6 Freedom Inferno!
Even though we are on the soccer field Monday thru Thursday nights, and 3 games on Saturdays...we are excited for this season! Eric is coaching Ethan's team too!
Friday, September 12, 2008
One Sweet Guy!
What does this have to do with Eric? Well, I just have to brag on him...while trying to get to the Women's Conference this week at 6:30 a.m., I was frantically trying to leave early because I had to go to the bank. Of course I was running late, but went to grab my purse, and Eric had left cash and my keys all laid out for me. :) (Not to mention he watched the boys all that day too!) This weekend he took the 3 older boys camping, but before he left, he sat me down, and turned on the TV. He told me he wanted me to relax this weekend, and he had TIVO'd me some movies. (Including my favorite...Sixteen Candles!)
Thanks Sweetie, I love you! Even after 18've still got it!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
New Blog Announcement

Yes, it's 1:07 a.m. Yes, I'm fighting a cold. Yes, I have 4 loads of laundry on my bed. Yes, I should be sleeping....but I'm so excited I've decided to start a NEW blog! It's called the Queen of Copy! ( So many times I get asked where I get my ideas for decorating, centerpieces, entertaining, and honestly, most of the time, I just copy what I've seen, and try to do it for less! This blog is going to let me share my secrets! (Well, at least the decorating ones!) :) I also am hoping to get some great ideas too! Not much is up yet...but keep checking back, and let me know what you think!
Friday, September 5, 2008
A hunting they will go...
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Hangin' with the Fitz's
Friday night we double dated with the Fitzgeralds. After first thinking of just getting together for a BBQ...with 7 kids between us, we decided to get sitters, and go out just us! (I can't remember the last time we went out with friends...and no kids!) We went to Public House; our NEW favorite restaurant! It's at Ashlan and Cedar, and even on a Friday night there is no wait! It's a Irish Pub atmosphere...the bartender even rings a bell, and says an Irish quote! They have AMAZING Irish nachos that are to die for! Dinner you can get anything from "Bangers and Mash", to fish and chips, burgers, or Shepherds Pie!
We had a great time, but I think we realized we're getting about 8:30, we were all yawning, and ready for bed! How sad is that???
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Sweet Georgia Grace is HERE!!!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Things to do....

Every summer, or trip I go on, I love getting a mindless, fun book. True, these books due not inspire or educate me...but that's the point! For our trip to the Dominican, I found the book, "The Next Thing on My List", by Jill Smolinski. By reading the back, it sounded great. The storyline is about a girl that offers a ride to a girl she just met at a Weight Watchers meeting, and on the way home, they get in a car accident, and the passenger is killed. In her wallet, she had a list of things she wanted to do before her 25th birthday. The story tells how she tries to complete the list for her by her birthday. Needless to say, I finished the book almost before we landed the plane!
This book, and the "list" has been on my mind ever since. The list wasn't one of making millions, or big impossible dreams, it was more of things that were fun, little things, that we never do. A few things from her list were:
* Get a massage
*Take mom and grandma to see Wayne Newton
*Throw away my bathroom scale
*Watch a sunrise
Just having a birthday a few weeks ago, and turning 35 next year, I decided to make a list. I may add some, and I may not meet all of them...but why not try! I'm posting it to keep me accountable too!
Things to do by August 11, 2009:
1. Be within 5 lbs. of the weight on my drivers license
2. Take a train ride
3. Run a 5K
4. Give up soda
5. Donate/Raise $500 for charity
6. Be out of debt
7. Learn Spanish
8. Learn to play an instrument
9. Catch up on scrapbooking
10. Get together with friends once a month
Please, ask me how I'm doing on my list! (And don't ask me out for ice cream :) !!) Anyone want to join me??? Let me know if you have a list!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Look out Clinton Kelly....
Ok, so most of you know that my favorite show on earth is TLC's What Not to Wear! I would LOVE to have Stacy and Clinton tell me what to wear, what works, and what doesn't. But after shopping this afternoon with Ethan...I don't know if I could handle it!
I decided to pop into Old Navy this afternoon with Ethan and Dawson to see if they had any great deals I couldn't live without. Dawson started helping me look through the clothes, like most one year olds do, and I heard Ethan say, "No Dawson, don't touch the cooties!" I turn and see Dawson grabbing "panties" off the rack. I asked him if he meant "panties"? And he said...well I call them "cooties". :)
I found a few things, and headed to the dressing rooms. Of course with two little boys, they had to come into the 2' x 2' stall with me, shopping cart in all. As if that wasn't uncomfortable enough, Ethan decided he would help choose the outfits I tried on. I tried on a few things, and then after not agreeing with my 5 year old, I was going to try on the shirt that I liked the best. I said, "I think I'm really going to like this one"...Ethan's response...."Not that one, it's hideous!"
I think next time...I'll get a sitter....
Friday, August 15, 2008
Happy Birthday to ME!!
Sunday morning before church Eric and the boys asked if I was ready for my birthday present. My birthday wasn't until Monday, so I said "SURE!" They told me they had made reservations in Avi
We stayed at the Inn at Avila Beach, (the pink hotel, as the boys call it!) and walked the pier and then headed into San Luis for dinner. We went to Firestone Grill (same as Dog House here) and then walked downtown.
The morning of my birthday, we woke up and had breakfast in Avila, beat Eric at Ms. Pacman, and then went for a walk on the beach. We found a "beached" stingray, and the boys
had fun playing in the icy cold ocean, even though it was probably only 50 degrees outside!
We then headed to Pismo, for clam chowder at Splash Cafe, and then back to San Luis for the best pizza in the world for dinner at Woodstocks pizza!
What a GREAT present! Thanks boys!!!